Notes and maunderings on the ginned-up Contraceptive Crisis:
More than 90 percent of U.S. Catholic women have used birth control at some point in their lives. Few Catholics have an issue with it – except the old drag queens at the top of the Church hierarchy. (Apologies to serious, hard-working non-Catholic drag queens everywhere.)
Do we want to live in the Opus Dei right-wing Catholic universe of Rick Santorum? His "conservatism" harks back to the Medieval world. He would sit more comfortably atop a throne than in the Oval Office.
Really, King Richard, nobody is making you put on a rubber. Or anybody else, for that matter.
Will President Obama lose any votes over this manipulated "controversy"? We think not. The loudest voices come from the ones who were opposing him already. We think he will gain many, many votes as the rest of us "normies" wake up and realize that the basics of reproductive rights are under attack.
We understand that right-wing zealots have little success proselytizing, and must breed like rabbits to achieve their goal of world domination. (Combined with home "schooling" to complete their mind-control agenda over their young.) But nobody, NOBODY, is stopping them from Doing It au naturel: Nobody is making them use birth control. (Though they know that if their women learn it’s possible to go through life performing functions other than "baby factory," they might not be so thrilled about their lives of incessant child-bearing.)
This is a fight President Obama can afford to wage. It’s simple and straightforward: Contraceptive options are part of the health care plan. You don’t have to partake of them. The right wing can piss all over themselves trying to please the Pope, but to most of America they appear increasingly absurd.
We suspect the zealots of the right are falling into a carefully laid trap here, as they devote more and more time to smaller and smaller non-issues – eventually, we are certain, they will spend their days alone on The Hill debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
Horse racing? What horses would you compare the candidates to?
ReplyDeleteRon Paul: The old nag.
DeleteRick Santorum: The plump filly.
Newt Gingrich: The old warhorse (though he got deferments during a time of actual war).
Mitt Romney: The gelded stallion.
Oh, and Barack Obama: A thoroughbred just hitting his stride.